Technical Vocational Schools Association, Inc. (PMMS TVSA)
An organization composed of various technical vocational institutions in Pasig, Mandaluyong, Marikina and San Juan. It is the recognized TVET partner of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) PaMaMariSan District Office.

For more information about the TESDA Bulletin, visit their website at www.tesda.gov.ph
Webinar on Curriculum Review & Writeshop Adopting the Flexible Learning Delivery Mode
The association will conduct this webinar on 20 August 2020, Thursday, 9:00AM-12PM via Zoom Application. The webinar aims to support and assist our association member-participants, specifically the curriculum developers who maybe (1) administrators, (2) registrars and/or (3) trainers that would prepare their school curricula in registration for the Certificate of Recognition under the Flexible Learning in TVET under the ‘New Normal’.

2020 PaMaMariSan TVSA Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) Forum
This is the annual forum on TVET governance facing the new developments and trends of the industry while being compliant to the government procedures and mandates. This activity was held on 28 February 2020, 8am-5pm at Kalayaan Hall, Club Filipino, Greenhills, San Juan City.
Training of Trainers (TOT)
With the success of the first run last 26-28 September 2019, now comes the second batch of TOT for ENTREPRENEURSHIP on December 09-11, 2019 at the Mandaluyong Manpower Technical Vocational Training Center, Mandaluyong City.

2019 PaMaMariSan TVSA General Membership Meeting, Administrators & Registrars' Conference
Join us as we celebrate and get together in showcasing best TVI practices championing the TVET sector while addressing the critical demands of the industry and complying to government procedures and mandates. Reserve your GMM slots for May 31, 2019, 8am-5pm at Richville Hotel, Madaluyong CIty.
Training of Trainers (TOT)
for TM1
Get updated and calibrated of the latest trends in teaching the Trainers Methodology Level I. Happening on May 2-5, 2019 at NTTA Building, Marikina CIty.

Annual General Membership Conference (National) & 3rd National Quality TVET Forum
An annual gathering of members in the national level to discuss prevalent issues concerning the TVET sector. This happens on April 29 & 30, 2019 at the Crowne Plaza, Ortigas, Pasig City.

Get In Touch With Us
Office Hours
Monday- Saturdays,
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Our Location
709 San Rafael St., Plainview Subd., Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Phone:+63 532 3570
Email: secretariat@pamamarisan-tvsa.org